
Eleazar S. Fernandez












Full-Time Faculty

Eleazar S. Fernandez is President and Professor of Theology. He received his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, Master of Theology (ThM) from Princeton Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity (MDiv) from Union Theological Seminary, and Bachelor of Arts (BA) from Philippine Christian University. He also had the privilege of teaching in other educational institutions in the U.S. (United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, Drew University in New Jersey, Metropolitan State University in Minnesota, and Pacific School of Religion in California) and abroad, such as Myanmar (Lisu Theological Seminary) and Cameroon (Universite Protestante D’Africque Centrale, Faculte De Theologie Protestante De Yaounde).

Dr. Fernandez is an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. He has adual standing with United Church of Christ USA.

He is an author of several books and articles. Among his writings are Teaching for a Multifaith World (editor, Pickwick, 2017), Teaching for a Culturally Diverse and Racially Just World (Editor,Cascades, 2013), New Overtures: Asian-North American Theology in the 21st Century (editor, Sopher Press, 2012), Burning Center, Porous Borders: The Church in a Globalized World (Wipf and Stock, 2011), Reimagining the Human: Theological Anthropology in Response to Systemic Evil (Chalice Press, 2004)), Realizing the America of our Hearts: Theological Voices of Asian Americans (co-editor, Chalice Press, 2003), Hacia Una Teología De La Lucha, Translated by Jesús Valiente Malla (Estella, Spain: Editorial Verbo Divino, 2002), A Dream Unfinished: Theological Reflections on America from the Margins (co-editor, Orbis Books, 2000), and Toward a Theology of Struggle (Orbis Books, 1994).His areas of teaching and research interest are:Constructive Theology, Christian Political Ethics, Theological Anthropology, Global Christianities,Theologies of Religion and Interfaith Engagement, Globalization and Mission, Migration and Theology, Theologies from the Global South, Theological Method and Hermeneutics, Holistic Spirituality, and Global Immersion Trips.